2022-05-05 David Bauerusteer: update to latest HEAD
2022-05-05 Tianling Shencloudflared: Update to 2022.5.0
2022-05-05 Tianling Shencloudreve: Update to 3.5.3
2022-05-05 Matthias Schifferecdsautils: update to v0.4.1
2022-05-04 John Audiahtop: update to 3.2.0
2022-05-04 Eneas U de... Merge pull request #18441 from Entropy512/docker_update
2022-05-04 Josef Schlehoferhwdata: update to version 0.359
2022-05-03 Andy Dodddockerd: Update to 20.10.14, and update version checkin...
2022-05-03 Andy Doddcontainerd: Update to 1.5.11
2022-05-03 Andy Dodddocker: Update to 20.10.14
2022-05-02 Javier Marcetpython3-paramiko: update to version 2.10.4
2022-05-02 Javier Marcetdocker-compose: Update to version 2.5.0
2022-05-02 John Audiaffmpeg: update to 5.0.1
2022-05-02 Eneas U de... mtools: avoid picking libbsd dependency
2022-05-02 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18335 from fjamarquez/keepalived_uc...
2022-05-01 Mister Benjaminetherwake-nfqueue: swap iptables for nftables dependency
2022-05-01 Rui Salvaterrator: bump to stable
2022-05-01 Carlos Miguel... boost: Updates package to version 1.79.0
2022-05-01 John Thomsonantfs: require kernel version 5.10 to build
2022-04-30 Moritz Warningzerotier: update to 1.8.9
2022-04-30 Liang Yangdockerd: fix compilation with glibc
2022-04-30 Nick Pengsmartdns: Update to 1.2022.36
2022-04-30 Liang Yangdocker: fix compilation with glibc
2022-04-30 Tianling Shenrclone: Update to 1.58.1
2022-04-30 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: upgrade to version 1.22.3
2022-04-30 Van Waholtzfrp: update to 0.42.0
2022-04-29 Eneas U de... flex: disable building po, tools
2022-04-29 Rosen PenevRevert "boost: Updates package to version 1.79.0"
2022-04-29 Tianling Shenlibtorrent-rasterbar: Update to 2.0.6
2022-04-29 Liang Yangdockerd: fix dependencies missing
2022-04-29 Tianling Shendnsproxy: Update to 0.42.2
2022-04-29 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.25.1
2022-04-29 Tianling Shenstatik: drop package
2022-04-29 Jan Hákknot: update to 3.1.8
2022-04-29 Hannu Nymannano: update to 6.3
2022-04-29 Guilherme Janczakmtools: update to 4.0.39
2022-04-29 Guilherme Janczakusbip: remove unused libbsd and pthreads deps
2022-04-29 Tianling Shencloudreve: Update to 3.5.2
2022-04-28 Francisco Jose... keepalived: add uci support for track_bfd configuration
2022-04-28 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18403 from turris-cz/change-Flask...
2022-04-28 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18357 from clarkwang/sexpect-update
2022-04-28 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18358 from clarkwang/passh-update
2022-04-28 Alexandru Ardeleandjango: bump to version 4.0.4
2022-04-28 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #17305 from paper42/runc-1.0.3
2022-04-28 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #18391 from mhei/php8-update
2022-04-28 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: Revert "dbg"
2022-04-28 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: fix compat issue with newer version...
2022-04-28 Yousong Zhoudbg
2022-04-27 Carlos Miguel... boost: Updates package to version 1.79.0
2022-04-27 Šimon BořekJinja2: change maintainer to Šimon Bořek
2022-04-27 Šimon BořekFlask: change maintainer to Šimon Bořek
2022-04-27 Florian EckertMerge pull request #18262 from TDT-AG/pr/20220406-stron...
2022-04-26 Michael Heimpoldphp8: update to 8.1.5
2022-04-26 Jonathan Pageltelegraf: Update to version 1.22.2
2022-04-26 Rosen Penevubnt-manager: run through shellcheck
2022-04-26 Li Zhangwsdd2: Remove extra comma, which breaks the key-value...
2022-04-25 Tianling Shencloudreve: Update to 3.5.1
2022-04-25 Russell Seniorstm32flash: update to version 0.7
2022-04-25 Luiz Angelo... ruby: update to 3.1.2
2022-04-25 Maxim Storchaktgt: update to 1.0.82
2022-04-25 Maxim Storchaksmartmontools: update to 7.3
2022-04-25 Peter van Dijkdnsdist: update to 1.7.1
2022-04-25 Etienne Champetierprometheus-node-exporter-lua: use uhttpd-mod-lua
2022-04-25 Etienne Champetierprometheus-node-exporter-lua: fixup openwrt collector
2022-04-25 Jeffery ToMerge pull request #18366 from turris-cz/git-update
2022-04-25 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 1.5.5
2022-04-24 Josef Schlehofergit: update to version 2.34.3
2022-04-24 Chukun Panmdio-tools: add kmod-mdio-netlink as dependencies
2022-04-23 Clark Wangpassh: updated per OpenWrt's common practice
2022-04-23 Clark Wangsexpect: updated per OpenWrt's common practice
2022-04-23 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18351 from 1715173329/va
2022-04-22 Tianling Shenv2rayA: Update to 1.5.7
2022-04-22 Josef SchlehoferRevert "miniupnpd: bump to latest git source"
2022-04-22 David Bauerusteer: update to latest HEAD
2022-04-21 Nick Hainkeprometheus-node-exporter-lua: improve ubnt-manager
2022-04-21 Moritz Warningzerotier: fix segfault on ARM platforms
2022-04-21 Moritz Warningzerotier: update to 1.8.8
2022-04-21 Igor Bezzubchenkolibpqxx: update to version 7.7.3
2022-04-20 John Audiarsync: bump to 3.2.4
2022-04-19 Alexandru Ardeleanpillow: bump to version 9.1.0
2022-04-18 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18326 from jefferyto/python-twisted...
2022-04-18 Jeffery Topython-twisted: Update to 22.4.0, refresh patches
2022-04-18 Clark Wangpassh: an sshpass alternative
2022-04-17 W. Michael... flex: use PKG_FIXUP:=autoreconf gettext-version
2022-04-16 Clark Wangsexpect: Expect for Shells
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode-serialport-bindings: Support for npm@8
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode-arduino-firmata: Support for npm@8
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode-cylon: Support for npm@8
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode-serialport: Support for npm@8
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode-javascript-obfuscator: Support for npm@8
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode-hid: Support for npm@8
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode-yarn: Support for npm@8
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode-homebridge: Support for npm@8
2022-04-16 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode: Major update from v14 to v16
2022-04-16 Florian EckertMerge pull request #17303 from CarlosDerSeher/feature_b...
2022-04-16 Rosen Penevola: fix compilation with musl 1.2.3
2022-04-15 Jeffery Togolang: Fix conditionals not stripped
2022-04-15 Jeffery Togolang: Update to 1.18.1
2022-04-15 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.24.5
2022-04-15 Daniel Golleuvol: update to version 0.8